8 Cleaning Hacks You Wish You Knew Sooner

microwave cleaning

Sometimes spills, stains and smells can surface at just the wrong time. Maybe you’ve had a surprise visit and want to do some last-minute cleaning. Don’t worry — many messes can be cleaned using everyday household items. This article is going to teach you some of the best cleaning hacks that you wish you’d known sooner.

  • Clean your microwave using lemon juice

Spruce up your microwave with a touch of citrus. Simply add lemons to a microwave-safe bowl and pour over boiling water. Cook the lemons in the microwave for five minutes on medium power. The lemon-water will emit steam that will loosen the grime in your microwave. After the five minutes are up, simply wipe down your microwave with a cloth. It’ll look good as new and smell lemony fresh.

  • Hide scratches using baking soda

Scratched up a plate? Don’t replace them. Instead, make a simple paste using baking soda and water. Scrub the paste into the cracks and then rinse. The paste will set in the cracks and they will be almost unnoticeable.

  • Disinfect your sponge in the microwave

Sponges are great for cleaning all kinds of dirt and grime, but what’s the best way to clean the muck from your sponge? A simple trick is to slightly dampen the sponge and then nuke it in the microwave on full power for 90 seconds. This can kill up to 99% of bacteria.

  • Remove lipstick stains with hairspray

Lipstick stains on your shirt? We won’t ask. Spray a little hairspray on the stain and rub with a damp cloth. Wash it as normal and the lipstick stains will have completely disappeared.

  • Clean mildew with vodka

Of course those six bottles of vodka you’ve got stored in your cupboard are for cleaning — what else would they be for? Fill a spray bottle with half vodka and half water. Spray it directly onto the mildew and leave for ten minutes, then wipe with a cloth.

  • Clean your keyboard with an old toothbrush

Keyboards can harbour all sorts of grime and dust. Create a solution of half water and half vinegar and apply to the head of an old toothbrush. Scrub your keyboard with the toothbrush — the bristles are excellent at getting between the keys.

  • Remove water stains with shaving cream

Who knew water could make such a mess? To get rid of water stains, apply shaving cream to the affected area and leave for fifteen minutes. Once the time is up, simply wipe with a clean cloth and the water stains will disappear.

  • Clean oil stains with Coca-Cola

A single can of Coca-Cola can clean up stubborn oil stains in your garage. Simply pour the fizzy drink directly onto the oil stain and leave for a few hours. Then, scrub the stain and watch as it disappears before your eyes.

All these hacks will help you clean up your home, but nothing compares to a professional clean from industry-leading cleaners. Scott & Sons have been providing commercial and domestic cleans for over 40 years, From carpet cleaning and window cleaning to full-scale deep property cleans, we’ll make sure your home or business scrubs up nicely. Give our team a call today to find out more.